Senior Node.js Developer

From $4,000

Examples of Responsibilities:

  • Cryptocurrency payment gateway development, streaming system development, game mechanics revision, etc.

Stack GoMining:

  • Node.js (TypeScript)
  • PostgreSQL
  • Redis
  • RabbitMQ
  • Docker
  • k8s
  • GitLab CI/CD
  • ArgoCD
  • Grafana
  • Loki
  • ELK
  • Vault
  • Angular
  • FOP

What We Expect From You:

The main thing is that you can get the task done, pull everyone you need to get the information together, build the architecture, and solve the problem in the time frame you designate.


  • Having production projects in Node.js + TypeScript.
  • Strong understanding of TypeScript (enough to write a library).
  • System design experience (architecture, database schema, load calculation, etc.).
  • Strong knowledge of PostgreSQL and/or MongoDB: transactions, indexes, replications, aggregations (joins, pipelines, MapReduce), query analysis and optimization, (de)normalization principles, Concurrency Control, etc.
  • Experience with RabbitMQ / Kafka / ZeroMQ / any other MQ and understand how it works (what entities it consists of, how it stores and replicates data, what are the limitations, etc.).
  • Experience in creating microservice architecture (communication protocols, service authentication, separation of responsibilities, etc.).
  • Understanding of GitLab CI / CD, ArgoCD and Kubernetes principles (we have DevOps for this, but you should understand in theory what and how things happen there).


  • Experience with Web3 (if not, we'll train you).
  • Experience with leading a team.
  • Experience writing CQRS systems.
  • Experience with EDA.

What We Offer:

  • A small production team and that's the fun part - no bureaucracy, anyone can call or email at any time.
  • A flexible schedule. We have one general call a week, otherwise the most important thing is tasks done on time.
  • Completely remote work.
  • No red tape. If you want to go to a conference or take a day off, you won’t need a million documents and approvals from ten people.
  • A company MacBook Pro.
  • A salary in $ or crypto - it’s up to you.
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